Pennsylvania Field Workshop

AUGUST 2-5, 2020

The First Field Workshop will be held at Temple University with a field trip to Central PA & Shale Hills CZO  to observe critical zone and karst processes and characteristics

Some participant support is available and will be distributed to ensure a diverse range of disciplines, topics of interest, career stage and demographics. We anticipate approximately 40 participants in the workshop, although the final number will depend on availability of funding.  There is no workshop attendance fee; funding is provided by NSF.

In light of disruptions from COVID-19, we are considering how to navigate the network activities in the short term, in particular, our first workshop scheduled for August.  We are hopeful it will proceed as planned but are simultaneously exploring alternate and innovative ways to achieve this workshop’s goals in case an in-person meeting needs to be canceled. Regardless of how the workshop will proceed, we are still soliciting applications until May 1st.



Workshop Objectives

  • Evaluate critical zone processes in carbonate terrains
  • Identify  available data and tools from current state of the art research
  • Broaden participation and networking among karst and CZ researchers and students
  • Build capacity in techniques used to study carbonate critical zones
  • Training in data loggers and statistics

Expected Outcomes

Development of interdisciplinary working groups to continue following the workshop and development of white papers, peer-reviewed publications, and seed ideas for proposal development.



Carbonate Critical Zone Workshop Overarching Theme

Critical zones can be considered a continuum between carbonate-rich and silicate-rich lithologies. Distributions of these two mineral types will impact most, if not all, CZ processes and functions. This workshop is organized around various themes to evaluate how mineral content impacts CZ processes. Initial themes will fertilize discussion at the workshop, but it is expected that additional themes will arise at the workshop


August 2
17:00 Bus leaves Philly airport
20:30 Arrive State College lodging
August 3
8:00 Plenary – develop working groups
8:30 Leave for field trip - itinerary
17:00 Arrive Philly meeting venue, dinner on own
August 4
8:00 Disciplinary working groups – Conceptualization cartoon of CZ themes
10:15 Break
10:30 Plenary - Break out leader reports and group discussion
12:00 Lunch - on own
13:00 Disciplinary working groups – theme discussion of CZ cartoon
15:00 Break
15:15 Disciplinary working groups – theme discussion of CZ cartoon (continued)
17:00 Break – Cash bar
18:00 Catered buffet dinner
19:30 Plenary – recap of day’s activities
August 5
8:00 Plenary - Break out leader reports and group discussion
10:15 Break
10:30 Interdisciplinary working groups – Integrating disciplinary themes, lunch
13:30 Break
13:45 Plenary – create continuing working groups and plan for activities
16:00 End of Workshop