Virtual Workshop

Workshop Goals

The main goal of the virtual workshop is to provide a networking opportunity for those interested in exploring how Critical Zone processes are affected by mineral content (from carbonate-rich to silicate rich lithologies).

We aim to convene a diverse group of researchers, professionals at various career stages, and students to:

(1) identify key science questions around Carbonate Critical Zone processes and their relationships to non-carbonate critical zones

(2) pinpoint available data and data gaps

(3) recognize training needs and opportunities

(4) explore tools and resources that can foster diverse, inclusive, and equitable participation, a particularly important objective now as in-person meetings are not feasible at the moment.

Martin, J. B. and CCZ-RCN Workshop Participants (2021). Carbonate Critical Zone Research Coordination Network Workshop Report. Karst Waters Institute Special Publication 20. Leesburg, Virginia, Karst Waters Institute.

Workshop Overarching Theme

Critical zones can be considered a continuum between carbonate-rich and silicate-rich lithologies. Distributions of these two mineral types will impact most, if not all, CZ processes and functions. This workshop is organized around various themes to evaluate how mineral content impacts CZ processes. Initial themes will fertilize discussion at the workshop, but it is expected that additional themes will arise at the workshop.



Workshop Structure and Activities 

Opening Plenary (August 3, 2020; 12:00- 3:00 pm EST)

The Steering Committee presented an overview of the Carbonate RCN goals, provided details on the structure, objectives and expected outcomes of the virtual meetings, and offered a view on how we foresee moving forward during the next 4 years of the RCN.  A presentation by Dr. Daniella Rempe from University of Texas and a short virtual field trip hosted by Dr. Will White was offered.

Working Groups Virtual Sessions (August - September, 2020; day and time TBD by participants)

Based on the information received through the application forms, participants were assigned to working groups, ensuring career stage and demographic diversity within the groups. Each working group met using the Zoom platform to exchange ideas around the workshop main goals: (1) identify key science questions around Carbonate Critical Zone processes and their relationships to non-carbonate critical zones (2) pinpoint available data and data gaps, (3) recognize training needs and opportunities, and (4) explore tools and resources that can foster diverse, inclusive, and equitable participation.

Closing Plenary (Sept 29, 2020; 12:00 - 3:00 pm EST)

Working Group Leaders reported back on four selected questions, providing justification of why these questions are relevant to advance our understanding of carbonate critical zone characteristics and processes. Workshop participants selected the questions that better fit their research and professional interests and Similar Interest Groups (SIG) were created. Guest speakers Dr. Brenee King (Kansas State University) and Dr. Laura Crossey (University of New Mexico) shared their experiences in fostering Diversity, Equity  and Inclusion (DEI) in the Geosciences. A plan to move forward with a DEI Action Plan for the RCN will be discussed.  


Development of interdisciplinary working groups to continue following the workshop and development of white papers, peer-reviewed publications, and seed ideas for proposal development.