
The RCN hosts webinars and training sessions (both online and in person) to build capacity in state of the art techniques used to study carbonate Critical Zones. These sessions are open to the carbonate CZ science community and will be announced in this page and through our listserv. 

Past trainings

Frontiers in Karst Colloquium series

The Frontiers in Karst Colloquium series is a collaboration between the RCN and the Karst Water Institute to produce a series of online seminars focused on critical zone processes in carbonates. Presentations are made by invited speakers from across the range of disciplines within critical zone science, particularly highlighting contributions by early-career scientists. Presentations are approximately 30 minutes long with 10-15 minutes for questions and discussion

Past webinars

In this session we will present CUAHSI HydroShare, a tool for collaboration around data in the RCN or your other research groups. You will learn how to upload data, fill in metadata and keywords, and share your data sets. You will find out how to share data sets privately among trusted colleagues, or make them available to the public. Attendees will be provided with instructions to create a free HydroShare account, and to join the Carbonate Critical RCN data group to enable further collaboration around data using HydroShare.
In this session we will present CUAHSI HydroShare, a tool for collaboration around data in the RCN or your other research groups. You will learn how to upload data, fill in metadata and keywords, and share your data sets. You will find out how to share data sets privately among trusted colleagues, or make them available to the public. Attendees will be provided with instructions to create a free HydroShare account, and to join the Carbonate Critical RCN data group to enable further collaboration around data using HydroShare.